Saturday, October 31, 2009

Living with Family vs Living by Yourself

This is a point made time and time again on tv, movies, talk shows, other people's posting, lifestyle magazine, et cetera.

So what are the pro's and con's?

Living with Family Pro's
1) Save money
2) Most housework done by others like laundry, cooking, etc
3) When you sleep at night and stop breathing (snoring) your family will wake you up because they will feel something's wrong.

Living with Family Con's
1) You are living under a dictator's roof. If he says he will exile you from Cuba tonight, out the doors you must go!
2) The number of waste to throw/housework to do/dishes to wash/etc increases as the number of your family increases.
3) You have to share everything, car/tv/shoes/underwears....

Living by Yourself Pro's
1) You are the king of your own domain.
2) You only do things for yourself
3) No need to share anything

Living by Yourself Con's
1) Expensive! You need to pay for cable, rent, utilities, parking spot, etc.
2) You need to do everything yourself. That means replacing lightbulbs, repair the kitchen sink, unplug the toilet...
3) If you fall and break your spine nobody will know about it... until a month later when the owner comes for his rent

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