There are 3 of them as you can see. I named them Hunter, Killer, and Hunter-Killer.
But I think my family would be uncomfortable with the names so they would name them some cutesy Disney-esque names like Fluffy, Smokey or Happy-Baby.
Yeah right now they might look cute but wait a year heh heh heh. They'll hunt and kill rats, chicks (the animal kind not the human kind ok), birds, pet goldfish, centipede, and snakes. Hopefully they hunt and kill "biawak" or monitor lizard.
Oh yeah, I live in a "kampung" or village. There are snakes and centipedes and one time a monitor lizard tried to come into the house. Yep, one day my mum walked out the front door to get into the car to go shopping. Suddenly she honk the horn several times while shouting my name. I went outside to look and she yelled "capat! kasi mati itu biawak! (hurry, kill that sob!)" while pointing at a monitor lizard crawling away from the front porch. I yelled back "Hah?! Macam mana mau kasi mati oh? Pakai ini selipar Jipun pukul sampai mati kah? Bah mana itu kunci bakakuk sia timbak dia lah (hah?! How the heck do I kill it? Alrighty then, where's the key to unlock the sawed off shotgun, I'll go shoot it)". Anyway the lizard got away safely.
If I somehow managed to kill it though, we'll be having lizard soup that night. Yuck. My family actually likes to eat weird stuff like "gawir (Borneo Fruit Bat)" porridge. Or turtle eggs that looked and smelled like mucus when I had a cold. Gross to the max! Errr, I mean these animals are endangered species and it is bad to eat them because they produce guano and stuff that makes "vegetable trees" and "fruit trees" grow and stuff. And yeah we need to stop killing and eating them because we need to save the world and preserve it for world peace and the Green movement and for all the Ecosystem to work, yeah. Yeah, thats it.

Cute fellas aren't they?
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