Saturday, August 15, 2009

Realist Altruism

Ahhhh, altruism. The gift that allows man to empathise with the plight of his fellow man. This gift is divided into two conflicting category; realistic altruism and idealistic altruism. Unfortunately, most men tend to lean towards the latter category. Now why is that a bad thing?

Scenario 1 - idealistic altruism
A drunk guy pleads with a well to do guy for a few dollars to buy lunch. The well to do guy, being an idealistic altruist, gives the drunkard 5 dollars, in which the bloody drunk then proceeded to buy a bottle of Jim Beam and thus getting himself wasted.

scenario 2 - realistic altruism
A drunk guy pleads with a starving artist for money to buy lunch. The starving artist berates and humiliates the bloody drunk so much that he stops drinking, attended AA meetings and works diligently to become a pillar of human society.

I would of come up with more examples but I need to go out and beat up some drunks now who owes me 20 bucks. Cya later.

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